
Toru Moriyama


Chair of the Nomination Committee, Member of the Compensation Committee and Member of the hhc Governance Committee

Toru Moriyama

  • Apr. 1977

    Joined Mitsubishi Corporation

  • Apr. 2001

    Unit Manager, Marine Products Unit, Foods Division, Mitsubishi Corporation

  • Apr. 2004

    General Manager, Living Essentials Group of Chubu Branch, Mitsubishi Corporation

  • Sep. 2005

    Senior Vice President, Lawson, Inc.

  • May 2006

    Director, Senior Executive Managing Officer, Lawson, Inc.

  • Apr. 2008

    Senior Vice President, Mitsubishi Corporation

  • Apr. 2009

    Deputy Group CEO (Next Generation Business Development) of Living Essentials Group, Mitsubishi Corporation

  • Apr. 2010

    Executive Vice President, Group COO of Living Essentials Group, Mitsubishi Corporation

  • Apr. 2011

    Executive Vice President, Group CEO of Living Essentials Group, Mitsubishi Corporation

  • Jun. 2011

    Outside Director, Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd.

  • Mar. 2013

    Resigned as Outside Director, Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd.

  • Apr. 2013

    Executive Vice President, Regional Chief Executive Officer of Asia & Oceania, Mitsubishi Corporation

  • Apr. 2016

    President and Chief Executive Officer, Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd.

  • Jun. 2016

    President and Representative Director, Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd.

  • Jun. 2021

    Senior Advisor, Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd. (resigned in June 2022)

  • Jun. 2023

    Director of the Company (current), Chair of the Nomination Committee (current), Member of the Compensation Committee (current), and Member of the hhc Governance Committee of the Company (current)